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It has been a while....


Yes, I know it's been a while, I have been so busy lately that in spite of Morgan many reminders the newsletter was slow coming.... but here we are!

“Nobody told me!” No, I am not paraphrasing our Prime minister, I am talking about the work require when you get involved with an allotment! I always fancied having one and remember with fondness the hours spend helping my father as a young boy in his prize-winning vegetable garden in Bedarieux all those years ago. I finally took the plunge at the end of last summer and started one of my own. This is back breaking work, but I am told the rewards are very uplifting and the gain is worth the pain. Time will tell! So far so good and garlic, onions, artichokes, peas, broad beans, tomatoes, potatoes, leeks and carrots are doing well. I seem to be winning my battle with the slugs and snails to save my cabbages, broccoli, and sprouts …. with the help of my grandson Aaron! Very soon I hope to be supplying La Garrigue …. if only!

Since the end of the lockdown many of our customers have been asking about the Wine Tours. I was a bit hesitant to start with, but I am pleased to announce that the first wine tours will take place again in time for the vendanges, the dates are from the 28th of August to the 4th of September. There are only 8 places so if you fancy spending a week in the south of France, enjoying good wine, good food, sunshine, and the southern hospitality then join me and get to know the best wine growers in the area as well as the best restaurants and the best kept secrets the Languedoc has to offer. More information is available on the web:

This lead me nicely to my next big news: I have spent the last few weeks redesigning and updating my website with the help of William, who has done a great job with it, putting up with my demands, changes of plans, additions etc. etc.... We are just about there. Please have a look at it and give me your feedback, advices etc, this is still a work in progress but I hope it will give you the incentive to take advantage of some of our offerings, being a wine tour booking, a private dinner, a wine tasting, or just ordering a bottle of wine or two.....

Talking about wine, I still have a few bottles of the 2019 Faugere-Ecosse for sale before the arrival of the stunning 2020 cuvee. In the meantime, we made a few changes to La Garrigue wine list and have added a few amazing nectars for you to enjoy when you next visit your favourite French restaurant. 3 whites and 3 reds; an excellent Grenache gris from my Friend Cathy Jones, a superb Chardonnay from the domaine D'O, a very unusual muscat sec from the Coteaux of Enserune , a rare limited edition of a surprising Petit Verdot from bruno Andrieu , a stunning 2009 Minervois from la Borie de Maurel and last but not least and one of my favourite a classic 2015 St Chinian La Terre de mon Pere, all showcasing the quality and variety of the terroir.

Our Chef Peter came back from his break in Palavas fully resourced and full of ideas resulting in a few changes in our current menu. I really like the Strawberry Mousse and its sorbet, the pigeon truffle and quails eggs salad , the guinea-fowl with chicken of the wood mushrooms , and the lemon sole with summer vegetable and safron. A great addition to La Garrigue classics that you all know and have enjoyed since 2001......

I am also very proud to announce the arrival of Jack in the Gauffre family. Baby, Mum, and Dad are doing very well and so are “Gran and Pepe “

I leave you all on this happy note and promised more news very soon....

Keep well, keep safe, and keep coming back !

A bientot,


Kind regards form all of us

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